Criminal Defence

Criminal Defence

We have 5 specialist criminal defence solicitors – Andrew Shanahan, Tim Petrides, Cora Sorensen, Rachael Salisbury and Amelia Butt.

Andrew Shanahan, Tim Petrides and Cora Sorensen are higher courts advocates, representing clients in the Crown court and Court of Appeal.

We offer a 24 hour “on call” service for those who need help outside normal office hours – our emergency number 07523 271 565 is always available.

As well as acting for those accused of criminal offences, we also act for victims of crime.

Andrew also works with :

Cardiff University Law School in their training and accreditation schemes for Police Station advisor and duty solicitor qualification

Barbri Altior, an international training company, in the training and accreditation of solicitors who wish to achieve Higher courts advocacy rights.

Our Services cover all criminal defence matters including:
  • “White Collar” crime such as fraud
  • Regulatory offences
  • Road traffic offences
  • Drug offences
  • Theft and burglary
  • Offences of violence
  • Sexual offences
As well as investigations by:
  • Trading Standards
  • The Department of Work and Pensions
  • The Department of Trade and Industry
  • Revenue and Customs

We also act for victims of crime, liaising with the police and the Crown Prosecution Service to ensure that victims’ interests are properly taken into account by prosecuting authorities. Our aim is to help our clients to achieve the best outcomes, and, so if you face a problem please contact us for a chat.


We offer legal aid if you are financially eligible. If you are not eligible we will discuss payment options with you such as fixed fees or payment by instalments as we are aware that the cost of legal representation is a very important issue. We can also investigate whether legal expenses insurance is available.